Tonight I was blessed to hear Gary DeMar of American Vision speak at a local Classical Christian school. DeMar is a prolific writer on a wide range of topics that could be summed up by “applied Christian worldview.” His God and Government, a 3-volume work, is a classic on understanding the historical and Biblical basis for government.
DeMar was an engaging speaker. He challenged us to not settle for education that is merely better than the government schools, but to not stop working until the education we provide for our children is the best possible—even though that may not happen in this generation or the next.
He noted that Christians need to think multi-generationally. If we put our children in Christian schools just to keep them safe until the Lord returns, we will be satisfied with mediocrity. However, if we have a long-term vision of our children and our grandchildren laboring for the Lord and discipling the nations and transforming culture by taking every thought captive to Christ, we will be motivated to build schools and homeschools that equip our children for that task. Wow.
Think multi-generationally? Yes! I've appreciaed Demar's ministry for years and am currently reading his book Myth's, Lies and Half-Truths.
Posted by: Tim | November 21, 2004 at 12:08 AM
Mr. DeMar was going to talk about that book the next evening, but I was unable to attend that session. I hope to read it soon, too, though I need to finish up a couple others first. (No more than about 6 books at a time, eh?) How about a book review on your site when you finish it?
Posted by: Dory | November 21, 2004 at 07:41 PM