I posted earlier this link to the PCA disaster relief effort for the victims of the Asian tsunami. I have received more information on their efforts using missionaries or other personnel that are already in the field in some of the hardest hit areas. Pasted below is the email that was sent out to disaster relief "Minutemen," that is, people who are ready to donate to or assist with disaster relief efforts on short notice. (You can use this link to learn more about or sign up for the Minuteman mailings.)
I think there is a distinct advantage to donating to relief efforts through Christian Churches. They already have nationals and foreign missionaries in place, and all aid is given in the name of Christ, with efforts to meet spiritual as well as physical needs during these most difficult situations. If you are not comfortable donating through the PCA, check your favored denomination's website for information on disaster relief.
Here is the information I received:
December 2004
Dear Minuteman,
The stories are shocking and surreal. Babies ripped from parents' arms. Snorkelers raked across coral reefs. Children and elderly not strong enough to hold on. Sunbathers swept to sea. Entire families buried beneath furious waters. And the sheer sorrow of the survivors, many wishing they had died.
At this writing, 67,739 have perished from the mammoth (9.0) earthquake and accompanying tsunamis that pummeled at least 11 countries in southeast Asia on Sunday, December 26. Thousands are still missing and the threat of post-impact disease, such as malaria and cholera, loom large as the strewn, reeking bodies of thousands of humans and animals quickly decompose and poison the water.
In some places, people on shore knew something was amiss when the boats at sea began racing for shore, motors open full-tilt. But it was too late, as three-story walls of water submerged shanties and hotels, and sucked up everything in their way: furniture and TVs, cars and motorcycles, animals and people-people of all ages and nationalities.
Hundreds died as trains were lifted from their tracks, tourists were plucked from hotel rooms and swimming pools, and entire villages were dragged along and dumped into ditches. Some survived by clinging to tree limbs and mattresses. Thousands are flat-out missing. Present estimates are that the death toll may exceed 100,000.
Now, police are imposing curfews as robbers strike evacuated houses and bulldozers plow mass graves. One survivor from a fishing village in India asked, "Why God? What did we do to upset you?...This is worse than death." Others said there was no point in living.
In an effort to comfort these hurting ones and help them survive and rebuild, the PCA through Mission to the World (MTW) will focus our initial efforts on one of the areas hit most severely, Colombo, Sri Lanka, where we have nationals in place whose plans are already in motion. It is also possible that we may be able to expand into other hard-hit countries.
Along with advanced funds of $15,000, MTW is sending Disaster Response teams to help with medical, safety, construction, and pastoral needs. As funds come in, our teams will use them as needed once on the scene in Colombo and outlying areas. Sri Lanka needs fresh water, antibiotics, needles, soap, tents, lamps, pillows, blankets, dry rations, clothing, and repellents.
If you can help financially, please make your check payable to MTW and writing "093978-99040412" on the memo line. If you feel led to raise funds for this historic relief effort within your church, simply gather the funds and send them to us here at MTW.
Equally as important as your monetary gifts are your prayers. Please pray for the physical and emotional needs of these hurting souls, as well as the spiritual response they may make to the Lord, as our team and Christians everywhere reach out with the compassion of Christ.
Thankful for your love,
Paul D. Kooistra
PS. God reconciled us to Himself. In essence, He brought us back into friendship with Him. Be assured, as we minister in Sri Lanka, we will relay this message, for "We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were entreating through us: we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God (2 Cor. 5: 20)."
PPS. Our sincere thanks to the Minutemen, who gave from their hearts $51,415 to aid victims of hurricane Ivan in the Caribbean. Any funds not used in the current appeal will be used for similar appeals.
See www.mtw.org for online giving, or call toll-free 866-373-6133 for a credit card donation.
Donations Address:
Mission to the World
P.O. Box 116284
Atlanta, GA 30368
Again, the link for online donations is here.