Thank You!
Thanks to Jeff Smith of Proverbs Daily for the suggestion to call these "linker" posts, Beyond the Gate. Also thanks to others making suggestions: Reed Porter of Reed's Blogged Arteries, and the thoughtful Diane of Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet . Stop by and visit these fine blogs.
This moved me to tears
Go read Go Iraq...Go! from Iraq the Model as Mohammed shares his thoughts on the eve of the Iraqi elections. No matter how you felt about our going to war, you have got to see how God is working this for good. I am tempted to post the whole thing--it is that good. I will resist doing that, however, and just quote his conclusion and urge you to go read the whole post.
"On Sunday, the sun will rise on the land of Mesopotamia. I can't wait, the dream is becoming true and I will stand in front of the box to put my heart in it."
Vox Apologia III
This week's apologetics carnival, Vox Apologia, will be hosted by Revenge of Mr. Dumpling, and the subject will be Euthanasia. It will be interesting to see what is written on that topic. Entries are due Sunday evening at midnight EST, and we can expect to see the carnival posted sometime Monday. Read here, for more information on entering.
Who Am I?
I was charmed by this piece by the Bloke In the Outer about his daughters' confusion about their national and ethnic identities. Isn't it wonderful that in the end, all these 'sub-identities' pale in comparison to our ultimate identity as brothers and sisters in Christ?