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Great job organizing the posts! Thank you.

Funky Dung

I gave you the wrong trackback URL. Could you pls ping Thanks in advance. :)


Hi, there. I have seen your blog linked on a quite a few is a good one!

I was wondering if someone could email me and explain the Christian Carnival? I have seen it at various blogs, but I don't know how to find what the next topic is (to participate, possibly), etc.



Samantha, (and others interested in participating),
Christian Carnival will be in transition shortly, as Wittenberg Gate is taking over the management of it from its founder, Nick Queen, so Nick can be freed up for his new project recognizing new Christian bloggers.

For now though, the first thing you need to do is get yourself on the email list for the Carnival. Then you will receive an email from that week's host about when and where to send your submission, and what information he or she needs. Go to Nick's site: and use his email link on the left sidebar to send him a request to be added to the list.

There is also a schedule on his site for the next few hosts. If you don't get the information from the email list, you can always email the host directly for information. Generally submissions are due sometime Tuesday.

There are no themes. You may submit any post of your choosing from the prior week (not older). Bear in mind that your audience is more diverse than the usual audience of your blog (probably), and includes members of many different denominations.

Posts do not have to be about Christianity per se. Anything written from a Christian worldview is fine. So you can enter posts with themes from politics, education, homemaking, science, humor, sports, and culture, as well as the more expected themes of doctrine, apologetics, devotions, or Christian living, etc.

I will post more information about participating and hosting on my site within the next week or two, and provide links to the information permanently in my sidebar.

Jeremy Pierce

The Technogypsy links aren't working properly. They include your URL in front of the real one. Just so you know.


Thanks, Jeremy! They should work now.

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