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JD Wetterling

My live in botanist says the second wildflower after the dandelion is Spring Beauty and the third is Spring Cress, FYI. Great pics!



Dory, thank you for that lovely walk in your woods! I could almost hear the stream and smell the dampness in the mossy ferny parts. Your pictures or so vivid.

You know what's out in our walks here -- wild bleeding heart! They aren't so bright as the bicolor pink/white planted kind, but solid pink. And we have lots of other things like tiny pink flowers growing close to the forest floor, and bladderwort in the boggy parts, all manner of blossoms (today I saw a horse chestnut in bloom), and of course dandelions.


JD, My husband and I were saying, after I wrote that post, that surely someone will know the names of those flowers and I would finally get to know what they are. So thank Mrs. JD for me!

By the way folks, for some beautiful wildflower pictures (far superior to my amateur shots) follow the link on JD's site for the Wildflowers of Ridge Haven and see Mrs. JDW's photography.


Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Thank you.


Milton Stanley

Amen, Dory. We live in a weed and feed neighborhood, but we love dandelions. My wife and I were discussing the other day why people hate them so much in their lawns. They're pretty when they're yellow and when they're white.

The houses on our street also border a large woods in the back. We let our dead trees stand, too, and we let the dead logs rot. Once , after we first moved to this place, I saw a fire back in the woods. When I went to investigate, a neighbor on the other side was burning pine logs. He didn't want to put them in his fireplace, but he didn't want to leave them in the woods, either. "I never knew how much effort it is to maintain woods," he said.

"Well, I tell you how much effort it is to maintain my side of the woods," I said. "None." I was afraid I might have to eat those words, especially after the pine beetles killed the white pines. We're now about to move, after 10 years here, and so far I've kept my word--much to the pleasure of all creatures involved (with the possible exception of the guy on the other side of the woods). Peace.

Milton Stanley

BTW, as much as we like danelions, we don't have them in our yard, probably because the seeds can't get here with the neighbors fighting them off so hard. We do enjoy them, but not enough to import seeds, I suppose.


This post is enchanting! I walked beside you, and with the dog (even trying to walk the log). Before we retired here on Fripp Island, we lived on a small horse farm in Aiken, SC, where I let the dandelions grow free in our front yard. The horses loved it when we'd bring them out to eat them. And so it was I realized one day that God created them for us not only to gaze at but to eat. Try some fresh leaves in your salad, some crushed and dried ones in your butter. Nice.

Kathlen Dalton

I really enjoyed the walk through your yard, Dori. It brought a relaxing peace at the end of a very busy Sunday. Being a partner to a Pastor is the best job in the world...and a walk on the wildflower side helps to remind me not to take myself too's the LORD's garden, not mine.



I used to find those wild bleeding hearts in the woods along the creek at my parents' house. They're gorgeous! White Dutchman's Britches, too, and the beautiful bluebells. What an Artist our God is, eh?

James Lopez

Enjoyed this so linked to it at my blog.


The unwelcome winter and spring rains came … and stayed … and stayed. Dory and I, at opposite ends of the country, complained about rooting out this year’s rain fed, bumper crop, multi-varietal weeds, identifiable only with a garden encyclopedia (she is really speaking of weeds of a different kind). But, California farmers celebrated as reservoirs and the underground water supplies began reaching or exceeding normal levels, while other Californians watched their homes, and part of the state, ungracefully slide into the Pacific Ocean.

For those of us with ordinary homes on ordinary lots, the rains bring only wet foot prints on linoleum floors through the kitchen, at worst -- and maybe having to place a towel against a not so snugly fitting door. We dry-climate Californians have difficulty adjusting to rain. When it begins falling to settle the summer and fall dust, we’re not sure what it is – somebody forgot to turn off the sprinklers! You should see us during the first rains of September -- it’s like watching demolition derby on the freeways.

But the upside results of this year’s downpour is the spectacular, unmatched beauty of the state, from north to south. The southern deserts are ablaze with wildflowers; and normally barren foothills, which cover much of our state, are a palette of colors -- mostly whites, yellows, orange, blues, and lots of green – poppies, lupines, larkspurs, and lots more. In the coastal forests, ferns and trillium are lush and green. And the waterfalls of Yosemite are glorious beyond words.

There is another bonus with this record rainfall – mushrooms – maybe not quite as good as the fall varieties; but wonderful signs of life, nevertheless -- and a treat for even the most discriminating gourmet. My mother used to gather the fungus from fallen, rotting trees – sautéing them in a cast iron skillet with green onion, soy sauce, and a little sugar – served with gohan (rice) – I remember the taste and texture as a little bit of heaven here on earth.

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