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Hmmmmm.....that IS weird!


He is sick he probably posted the good review himself - notice it is from florida

i posted those comments on straightupwithsherri blog last week
i know exactly which ones you are talking about - he is evil . he dosent even hide it

God Bless


Wonder if Felos told Amazon he would sue them if they didn't remove these comments pronto!


One of the 'bad' reviews mentioned that the 'good' review was from his girlfriend?

Jeff H

Just to see what happens, I posted "review" of the book at Amazon. I rated it 5 stars (hoping to bypass any immediate prejudice based on that) and simply asked why the previous reviews had been removed.

I'll be interested in seeing if it makes it through to the page.


No one should be surprised at manipulation of Amazon by Felos, he manipulated a number of courts as well. Amazon must have been a piece of cake so to speak.

Jeff H

Hey, check it out now. There are about 5 reviews, all critical not only of the book, but also specifically of Amazon's censorship.


Check out this audio interview with a lawyer/doctor who has seen Terri's medical records!


I think we gotta keep in mind that Amazon *does* have posted Review Guidelines. I saw most of the reviews that were mentioned and they all violated the posted guidelines. For instance, several reviews call Felos a fruitcake and a shyster. These violate the guideline against "spiteful comments" and are certainly gonna be removed.

I see the guidelines also state that reviews have to focus on the item (not on the author, not on the subject matter in general) so I'm sure that's why those reviews where people were just spouting their own opinions about the Schiavo case and Felos in general (there were a few of these) were removed. One final note I see that one guideline says you can't "Comments on other reviews." So any review commenting on the fact that other reviews were removed is gonna get yanked pretty quickly. Check out the guidelines:

I'm sure if a valid negative review is submitted that focuses on the book's content and is within guidelines, it will remain on the site. It's just that none of the negative ones have been within the posted guidelines yet. I wouldn't go off shouting "conspiracy theory" just yet.


FideScriptura is correct that the recent comments would probably violate review policy and the review function was being used as a comment section on Amazon editorial policy. However, the older reviews that were there originally were not spiteful, in my opinion, and made no mention of the Schiavo case, but were by people who were commenting on the book itself, claimed to have read it, and were critical of it.


There is currently just one negative review of this book, but it has been there for more than a year:

This is what the review says:

38 of 41 people found the following review helpful: On a mission from God..., April 6, 2005 Reviewer: Katy Lake (The People's Republic of New Jersey) -

My father suffered a stroke several years ago, and he was kept alive on a feeding tube for years. Because of my own obvious interest in life-and-death issues, I bought this book several months ago out of curiosity as to what drives George Felos.

Reading it is a descent into a New Age snakepit.

To say Felos is strange is an exercise in charity. He has some odd notions that God speaks to him directly and that God somehow thinks that Felos is his Death Angel on earth.

In my father's case, I always wondered why people feel the need to talk to him in baby-talk like he's retarded, or to shout at him like he can't hear a thing. Neither is true, but it would take about two minutes for someone who still saw him as a human being to notice my father is still very much THERE.

In just one example of how bizarre this book is, Felos claims he has the God-given ability to "psychically connect" with PVS and coma victims. How does he do it? He SHOUTS at them, "Do you want to LIVE?? Do you want to LIVE??"

Obviously George Felos thinks everyone in a brain-injured state is also DEAF. But it doesn't matter; Felos also claims that because of God, he can "hear" the "souls" of the conscious-impaired "talk" to him "inside his head."

According to the book, none of the "souls" ever told George they want to live.

In another instance, Felos claims God gave him the ability by his sheer will to keep an airplane aloft. If he wanted to crash the plane, all he needed to do was wing a thought in that direction, and the plane would come crashing down. God told Felos that he is imbued with "special powers" that the rest of us mere mortals do not possess.

In a sane world, anyone who claimed such special privilege from the Almighty would be based in an inpatient program at Bellevue, not at the forefront of deciding how the speechless and silent want to live - or not live - their lives.

There is much room to discuss the part the law should play in issues of life and death for those who cannot speak for themselves. This book, however, is NOT, in any way, shape, or form, the book to launch that discussion.

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