Thanks to Catez for leading me to Fr. Frank Pavone's eye-witness account of Terri Schiavo's death at the Priests for Life site.
I am experiencing an amusing culture clash with our friend Carmen and her visitors at Buried Treasure Books. There are two posts on men in kilts: 1 & 2. Be sure to read the comments, too. I commented on the second post. We have no differences in principles, only in application of them. ;-)
If you think your last trip to and through the airport was harrowing, read this about Rose's trip from her home in Iraq to her new home in Dubai. I am enjoying reading this gentle woman's thoughts as she experiences her newly-won freedom.
JD Wetterling blogs about his brother. Man, he can tell a story!
Jon Trainer on Proverbs 2:9. He paints a vivid picture.
Tim at blogicus has another success story for a treatment developed from adult stem cell research. Adult stem cells are harvested from adults--often the patient him- or herself--and cause no harm to anyone. Tim is always on top of this topic. If you want to read more about it, click on the stem cell topic on his left sidebar. He doesn't have any success stories for embryonic stem cell research (the kind that requires the killing of a human embryo), though. That's because there aren't any. None.
Karen is creaming me at Scrabble. Again. So the next time she implies I always win, scoff.
Thanks for the link, Dory!
Posted by: jon | May 04, 2005 at 09:45 AM