From the Mouths of Babes
Ever give the kids some paper and crayons to keep them happily occupied while the adults converse? This is just what some Human Rights Watch workers did while while they spoke with Sudanese adults in a refugee camp in Chad. When they returned to the children they didn't find pictures of flowers or children playing games. They found pictures of the brutality and fear experienced by these young survivors of genocide. Catez of Allthings2all has the story and a link to many of these heart-wrenching drawings in Babes and Arms: The Children of Darfur.
Catez is also hosting a round-up of blog posts on the victims of the Sudanese government's genocidal policies. Find the details here. Submissions are due Sunday 15 May at midnight, EST.
Evangelical Diablog
Be sure to visit Wittenberg Gate's new sister site, Evangelical Diablog. The new site will feature Evangelical Christians conversing or debating among themselves and with others, either through original posts on that site, or by linking to others. We're still building the site.
The opportunity to participate in a more structured formal debate is still being offered, too. Read the details of that here. Wittenberg Gate Debates will be hosted at the Evangelical Diablog site.
99.9% Guaranteed?
Maura, posting on her husband David's site, A Physicist's Perspective, has a great little post on Luke 24 and Total Depravity.
Fake Hate
Did you ever know people who enjoyed portraying themselves as the victim of other people? Sometimes it is just to get attention. Sometimes it is a tactic to blame others for their own shortcomings and problems. Sometimes it is to gain support for a "cause." Lately this has been happening more and more with people faking so-called hate crimes against themselves or members of their own group. La Shawn Barber has been collecting accounts of these fake hate crimes. Michelle Malkin blogs on this, too. What an interesting phenomenon!
For my thoughts relating to hate crimes see Hate Crimes in A Biblical Light, a post I wrote long before most of you ever heard of Wittenberg Gate. Maybe now someone will read it. ;-)
So is it a hate crime to fake a hate crime and blame it on members of a group other than your own? I suppose not.
Email Backup
I apologize if I have been slow to respond to email requests lately. I have been otherwise occupied and away from home quite a bit. I'll try to catch up, but if anyone has anything urgent, it might be a good idea to write again.