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What an excellent and timely article. Many thanks for it and also for the links to further information. This is just so good.....I'm gonna steal it! (To share!)


I believe I was driven out of my sunday school by a type of person described exactly in this artical.
Thank you for this great artical.


Thank you so much for this very insightful information. I'm praying about the things I see in my own life and the church I go to based on what this says. Some of these things I've believed for a long time but haven't heard or seen anything taught on them until I read this. Thank you!


This really illuminates a tough situation I'm dealing with in my church. Thanks for the empowering advice.


This rings all too true - thanks for an excellent article.

This is such an area of spiritual attack for the church - I have encountered too many controlling people in church leadership positions.

Kata Billups

THANK YOU! excellently written!
manipulation, group think---it's all too familiar.

Magaret Jennings

I spent several years under intense manipulation in the church. I thought and prayed that I was just evil and not seeing what I was seeing. Then God opened my eyes to the spirit of Jezebel. I began to study and quickly realized that manipulation is the oldest form of witchcraft in the church,Thank God for freedom and for discernment


I have read all of your articles and feel strongly that my husband and I are dealing with a narcistic person within our church. We are the pastors and he is an elder. We have only been at this particular church for 4 months, in which he first wooed us and showed strong support. During this time he made sure to speak negatively of others and unfortunately, we thougth he spoke the truth. After we showed support to another elder, who he is intimidated by, he then turned on us suddenly...totally out of the blue. He now finds fault with everything we do and verbally attacks us often. His own family has cut off all communication with us (whether they are afraid of his wrath or support his opinions). We have felt betrayed but mostly, feel sad that his children are being affected and there doesn't seem anything that we can do. How do we respond to him and his family?


Very good article about dealing with organizations in general. Sometimes you can't quite place you finger on why certain individuals within an organization make you feel so uncomfortable. It's difficult to articulate!

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