Welcome to the first Christian Carnival for the Year of Our Lord 2007! May God bless you all with a deeper love for Him and a surer faith as you grow in Christ this year.
Each week, Christian blog writers are invited to submit their best post of the week to the Christian Carnival. Enjoy this week's submissions from a variety of Christian perspectives and traditions.
Perhaps you've never celebrated Ephiphany. Perhaps you don't even know what it is. Kim Anderson at Mother-Lode invites you to become students of the sky along with the Magi, in Trumpet Stars and Wise Men . Explore God's signs and wonders at the birth and death of His Son using the speed and power of modern computers coupled with the witness of Biblical prophets and Roman and Jewish historians of the first century.
The blog What I Learned in Sunday School sends us Remember, a command often given to God's people.
Martin LaBar of Sun and Shield isn't impressed with Time's Person of the Year. He explains why and makes his own nomination for that title in Should I Be Person of the Year?
Jack Yoest of Reasoned Audacity sends us Eight Congregations Split from the Episcopal Church in Northern Virginia with the comment, "Causation or Correlation? Homosexuals are taking over the leadership of the Episcopal Church. And the main stream church is losing membership. Rodney Stark in The Victory of Reason reminds us that the Episcopal Church lost 55% of its membership from 1960 to 2000."
Laurie Bluedorn of Trivium Pursuit shares help for your Bible studies, General Principles for the Interpretation of Scripture.
Parental involvement in the tween years, by Dana of Principled Discovery, discusses parental involvement in a child's education.
Triggered by the death of Saddam Hussein, John of Brain Cramps for God is trying to kick up "A Higher Discussion on Capital Punishment".
Rev Bill has discovered that maybe he did not take the classes he needed in Seminary after all, as he shares this list of Classes Every Seminarian Should Take.
We all try to live a godly life, right? But what else do we need besides godliness? This week at Light Along the Journey John explores a familiar Bible passage in his post Gaining from Godliness.
Jeremy, the Parableman, sends us Goodness and Revelation, an argument that if God exists then we should expect the kind of revelation that Christians believe God has given in the Bible.
Continuing with apologetics, Pseudo-Polymath presents An Eastern Response to the Enlightenment?, "a look at an old argument where philosophy hits the pavement."
Participatory Bible Study Blog sends us Bible Study, Community, and Agendas, The Bible has often been used for very inappropriate things, such as to justify persecution or slavery. How do we avoid applying the Bible in such inappropriate ways?
Annette of Fish and Cans wonders, So What Then What is the Real Order of Things? as she reads the first two chapters of Genesis. Maybe you can help her to sort it all out!
Lo-Fi Tribe sends us Spong Joins Dawkins and Harris. Spong cites the recent militant atheist push by Dawkins and Harris as good for Christianity because it correctly address what he calls "Infantile" beliefs regarding God.
Don Bosch at The Evangelical Ecologist reviews An Inconvenient Truth and finds a surprising similarity and an important difference between Al Gore and the Apostle John.
Great job. Nice to see you doing the first one of the year.
Did you need me in the schedule? Email me if you do
Posted by: jchfleetguy | January 03, 2007 at 01:06 AM
Thanks so much for doing this.
Posted by: Martin LaBar | January 03, 2007 at 08:00 AM
I would vote you person of the year any day (er, year), my friend.
Grace and peace,
Posted by: Don Bosch (evaneco.com) | January 04, 2007 at 09:58 AM
Also, here's a New Years shameless plug for the Christian Carnival badge, available here:
Four styles available! Email me at [email protected] if you need more info.
Posted by: Don Bosch (evaneco.com) | January 04, 2007 at 10:02 AM