Now that Wittenberg Gate has been around long enough to have some regular readers, I'm going to start something I've wanted to do since, "before the foundations of this blog were laid." Introducing: (drum roll, please), The Great Wittenberg Gate Debate!
When Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the gate at Wittenberg Church, he wasn't trying to start a Reformation; he was trying to start a debate. He was offering to argue any one of his theses with any debater who would accept his invitation. Nobody took him up on it, but we're hoping for better results here.
This is my invitation for you to nail your thesis to the gate. If you have a topic you would like to offer for debate, leave your thesis as a comment to this post. If any interested debater accepts your invitation in a following comment, I will moderate the debate.
Update: Students (age 19 or under) who wish to debate other students may specify an age range when posting a thesis. So, home schoolers, get out those logic and rhetoric books and put them to good use!
Please read the following guidelines before submitting a thesis:
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